List of potential products for my show

The target audience for my radio show is females and males, aged 16-28. Below I have compiled a list of a range of different products which I think would be suitable to be advertised on my radio show, in regards to my target audience. 1) Gym memberships I think advertising gym memberships would be suitable as my target audience is from ages 16-28, and within this age group it is common to attend the gym. For example: 1) Pure Gym 2) Virgin Active 3) David Lloyd 2) Holidays Holidays are another good potential product to be advertised on my radio show as they appeal to both genders and to my target audience's age range. For instance, listeners could be arranging holiday's with their friends or partners. For example: 1) Thomas Cook 2) Villa plus 3) Thomson 3) Charities Charity adverts are appealing to both males and females, within a range of different age groups. Some charities are geared towa...