Evaluation - representation particular social groups

A main focus point within my research and planning were representations. I focused on these representations whilst listening to existing radio shows; Kiss and Magic. Whilst listening, I paid close attention to the presenters tone of voice, type of language (e.g. formal or informal) and the age of the presenters. Both these radio shows have different genres and styles; which allowed me to get a better understanding on how this effects representation, whilst having the stations target audience in mind. 

Below I have provided a link to my blog post within my research and planning about representations in both radio shows. 

Kiss and Magic representations

In my radio show, I wanted to ensure that all the different voices I had people playing remain authenticity throughout. For instance, I kept focused a lot on the voices for the news presenters, show presenters, in the adverts and vox pops. I thought about how these representations would appeal to my target audience, if they suited my shows genre and if they sounded realistic. 

I chose people who I thought would portray their characters accurately, with the correct tone and expression in their voice. Therefore, I directed my actors to read out their lines accordingly to the exact way in which I thought would be the most suitable and effective. 
I used a different actor for each character, which provided an obvious distinction between each of the voices. This conveyed variation along with a more engaging tone throughout the show. I was especially careful about who I chose to speak for the vox pops. For instance, I chose an older actor to do the voice for an angry resident and a younger actor to do the voice for a school girl. 

I needed a male role to play the news presenter; Dylan Green. For this, I chose Jon; a media teacher at my school, as I figured his serious tone of voice would be suitable. At first, I asked him to do it one way, but decided it was too loud and shouty. Although this would have been appropriate for sports reports, I feel as though a more relaxed manner is better suited for local news. The first story he presents is about a protest in the local area for an event which has effected local residents negatively. This meant that his voice had to be reflective of this. I compared presenters on different radio shows, geared towards a similar age group as mine, such as Kiss. This station included a male presenter, so I thought it was suitable for me to use this too. 

Within my first news story I have included a correspondant; Eli Caine, whilst he reports live from the protest. There aren't sound effects of traffic and people in the sound file I have inserted. However, after recording and editing my correspondant, I ensured that I added this in. I have also made sure that his tone of voice was accurate and he seemed interested in the events which were taking place, as this would have an effect on how engaged the listeners are to the story. 

When Lisa freeman was interviewed, she had to play the role of an angry resident. This meant that her tone of voice was very important in conveying anger to the audience. At first I chose my friend Libby to play this role. Although, after hearing Libby practice her lines. I felt as though her voice was better suited for the student Vox Pop, as her voice sounded too young. Instead, I chose my friend Jaime to play this role, as she sounded more like an outraged older resident. 

Susan Nelson was played by another teacher at my school; Jodie. Susan Nelson is a local policeman, and her last line was 'everyone should feel safe in their own home'. Likewise, due to this being a crime story, this meant that it was important for her tone of voice to be powerful and solid. Listeners had to be convinced in allowing her to be in charge of their safety.  

The next news story which Dylan Green presents is about local schools hosting performances. In order to add realism I included three Vox pops. My first Vox pop was a parent of the school children. For this I chose Louise, who is a drama teacher at my school. I figured she would be extremely good at playing this role because she has effective variations in her tone of voice. She managed to accurately portray an authoritative Mother who is adamant on educating her children on "global issues". Moreover, she also managed to convey desperation in the succession of the cause. 

The second Vox Pop was played by Libby, who was originally allocated to play the role of the angry resident in my first news story. Her soft tone of voice made her sound quite young, but I made sure I directed her to sound chatty, educated and keen to learn. 

I chose my friend Cali to play the role of the third Vox Pop; a member of public. I wanted him to come across as being very excited after hearing about the performances taking place. I also wanted him to provide a sense of passion and interest to the cause, as he states how he doesn't know a lot about it. I believe that my actor played his character extremely well. 

In the final news story about a vegan restaurant, I got my friend Zak to play the role of Peter Rhodes who is a restaurant critic. I have heard existing radio stations phone people up whilst broadcasting live. I wanted to do something similar, which is why I edited this in post production to make him appear as though he was on the phone. I felt as though this will hook my audience. Below I have included the sound file, without the edit of Peter being on the phone. 

I have also closely considered representation in my adverts. I have inserted them below in order to highlight this. My first advert is for Pure Gym, and the aim is to persuade listeners to join. The actor I chose to play this role portrayed his character extremely well. This is because his tone and emphasis on certain words is exceedingly compelling for the audience. I have listened to many adverts played on radio stations which aim to impress and exhort. He has accentuated how joiners will get their first 6 months half price. This will be entrancing for my local target audience, especially those who are students. Moreover, via having a male actor will attract a wide number of my male listeners. It took a few trials to get this right, but after I managed to direct my actor accordingly, I believe he performed an excellent job. 

The representation in my Ice-Cream advert is similar, because I have also ensured my actress, Louise, has used a persuasive tone as the aim of the advert is to sell a product. I scripted this advert to make Ben and Jerry's new ice cream flavour sound as appealing as possible. Therefore, I feel as though my choice of using a female actress is significant as female voices are often a lot softer than male voices are. 

For my jingles, I used Alex. Below I have inserted Alex's recording of my jingles, before editing the sound. I decided to use his voice as his tone is enlightening and revealing. Whilst listening to him record, I was positioning myself with the viewers. I realised that he would have engaged them automatically due to his conversational nature. 


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