Local News story 8
Local News story 8 - Lifestyle
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I found this lifestyle article in The Telegraph. The news story talks about children who visit a riding school in London, Brixton and have such joy towards it.
Following up reading the story, I have analyzed and found the 5W's
Who: Children who have been referred due to behaviour issues, difficult home lives or troubles at school
What: Children visit a riding school, and get such joy from being with the horses
Where: Ebony Horse Club, Brixton
When: June 2016
Why: It is a sanctuary for many children, not just any typical riding school
These news values dictate the importance of this news story:
News Values
Familiarity: This news story is geographically close to the readers
Amplitude: There are many children living in this area, who could rely on this horse riding club to help them with certain aspects in their life
Frequency: There are many clubs, e.g. riding schools, which have often been opened in order to help deprived children
Predictability: things being done, such as this riding school, have been organised before with deprived children in mind
Personalisation: The news story mentions deprived children who have behaviour issues, or problems at school or home
Balance: This is a good news story
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