Local News story 4

Local News story 4 - Health

The link to this news article is below: 


This article is taken from Stroud News and Journal, which is a weekly paid-for newspaper, based in Stroud, Gloucestershire. The news story talks about a group of 7 health-care assistants from Stroud General and the Vale Community Hospitals, all who have taken part in a 12-week training and development programme, have been awarded certificates for. These certificates have been awarded for them having demonstrated how they have met each of the 15 Care Certificate Standards. 

Following up reading the story, I have analyzed and found the 5W's

Who: 7 health-care assistants
What: 7 health-care assistants have been awarded with certificates 
Where: Stroud Gloucestershire - Stroud General and Vale Community Hospitals
When: Not applicable 
Why: For demonstrating how they have met each of the 15 Care Certificate Standards, after completing a 12 week training and development programme

These news values dictate the importance of this news story:

News Values
Familiarity: This news event happend geographically close to us in Britain
Frequency: Awards going out for completed training programmes are quite common 
Immediacy: This news story has happend recently 
Personalisaton: This is a human interest story as it involves people being rewarded for completing good work 
Balance: It is a good news story 


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