The five W's
The five W's
The best way to define news stories, is to describe them in the form of 'The five W's'. This is used by journalists as a formula of getting the full story.
The best way to define news stories, is to describe them in the form of 'The five W's'. This is used by journalists as a formula of getting the full story.
For example:
Who is it about?
What happend?
Where did it take place?
When did it take place?
Why did it happen?
The 5 W's are the essential part of the news report, which audiences look for within a story. Editors and news journalists often use the 5 W's towards the start of the story. This is done in order to immediately grab the readers attention and helps determine whether the news report will catch their eye or not. Furthermore, journalist's also use the 5 W's as they argue that by missing out any of these questions will leave a hole in the news article, as this is where the vital information is stored.
This has lead me to understand that I must include all the 5 W's when it comes too making my stories, and I should include them towards the start of the news report.Below is a news article which I have labelled the 5 W's within the start of the report
Who is it about?
What happend?
Where did it take place?
When did it take place?
Why did it happen?
The 5 W's are the essential part of the news report, which audiences look for within a story. Editors and news journalists often use the 5 W's towards the start of the story. This is done in order to immediately grab the readers attention and helps determine whether the news report will catch their eye or not. Furthermore, journalist's also use the 5 W's as they argue that by missing out any of these questions will leave a hole in the news article, as this is where the vital information is stored.
This has lead me to understand that I must include all the 5 W's when it comes too making my stories, and I should include them towards the start of the news report.Below is a news article which I have labelled the 5 W's within the start of the report
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