Script of preliminary task

Script of preliminary task 

My preliminary task was to create a five minute extract from an imaginary radio show, I chose to be a sports station. The radio show will include a presenter introducing a special guest, the guest responding, an archive clip featuring the guest and a jingle. 

This tag will help me learn about how to use all the equipment, how to record and use all the editing software. As well a this, it will also give me a better insight to all of the sound effects and music I am going to use. 

Below is the script for my preliminary task. It contains a jingle for a radio station called Sports Talk, which has an interview with Ryan Caine, the winner of the Wimbledon tennis match, which happend over the weekend. 

Jingle: Sport Talk 96.4 FM – The best sporting action 24/7

Archive clip: tennis documentary

Sound effects
-Cheering sounds from audience
-Sound of the racket and tennis ball

The best sporting action 24/7 (cheering in the background) – slogan

Presenter: Welcome back to the last word on Sports Talk FM with Tina Freeman.
Coming up in the next hour we will look back at Sunday’s premier league fixtures and discuss the controversial events at yesterdays Silverstone grand prix. First I am delighted to introduce new Wimbledon junior champion Ryan Caine. Hello Ryan

Ryan: Hi, pleasure to be here

Presenter: What an amazing match that was, a tough 5 setter coming from 2 sets to love down, to win 10-8 in the deciding set, you must be exhausted

Ryan: Yeah Tina, I’m feeling it now, but I’m so elated it was the proudest moment of my life

Presenter: lets listen to the moment that you became the Wimbledon junior champion


*sound effects of audience talking and waiting for match to start*

Commentator: Here we go. Match point, Ryan serving up the center, right on the line

*sound effects of tennis racket hitting tennis ball*

Commentator: Gary Lewis hits the ball back right into the left hand corner, Ryan somehow got there! 

*sound effect of crowd cheering*

Commentator: Ryan goes for the passing shot out wide; lovely block by Lewis

*sound effects of tennis racket hitting tennis ball*

*Score gets read out loud*

Commentator: Ryan just a point away from winning this fifth set! Goes wide again Lewis with a forehand return; as he approaches the net, Ryan attempts a lob Lewis watches it over his shoulder. It’s in! Game, set and match!

*Crowd cheering extremely loud*

Commentator: What skill and courage from Ryan Caine, our new Wimbledon junior champion.

*Crowd cheers*

Below is the equipment and editing softwares I will be using for the recording for my script:

Adobe Audition – software
Running it through a normal pc
Mackie mixer
The microphone – Shure sm58 model
Reverb – echo (sounds bouncing around a room)
Delay/the sound repeating – (a very small delay is an effect often used for radio jingles) 


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