News analysis

News analysis 

The main element of my radio show is a news bulletin. Therefore, I am going to be analysing the different ways that news is presented. For instance the different formats news can be found in such as: radio news, newspapers, tv news, and online news. I will examine if there are similar conventions within these formats. 

I am going to start off by looking at national news stories online from BBC news and national newspapers websites, such as The Guardian. I am going to analyze a range of different stories in detail, to see if they contain news values and the 5 W's. Following this, I will also be doing the same thing for local news stories as well. 

Differences between national and local news stories 

I will be looking at both national and local news stories, and how they are presented. The difference between both of these is that local news focuses on on news stories within the area that you live in. Whereas national news focuses on news stories outside of the area that you live in, and in the rest of the world. Additionally, I will be focusing on the way in which these stories are presented, in terms of content, structure and news values that they contain. For instance, factors that determine whether stories are 'news-worthy' is based on their content that they are made up of. 

The different types of stories I will be analyzing are 

1) Entertainment
2) Business
3) Crime
4) Health
5) Politics
6) Education
7) Sports
8) Lifestyle
9) Tech
10) Disaster 


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