Representation in News presenters

Throughout this post I am going to explore the ways in which News presenters come across to the audience whilst presenting the radio show. For instance, I will be taking note of voices used, language, 'banter', tone of voice and interactions with other presenters. In order to do this, I will be looking at two completely opposite types of radio stations; Kiss and Magic. By doing this will help me to create the scripting for my own news bulletin. The first radio show I am going to be looking at is Kiss. There were two presenters on this show, a young male and female. They both spoke in an informal manner, with a slow relaxed voice as well as having 'banter' with each other. An example of this is when they both started singing the lyrics to a Rihanna song, whilst laughing about it. The second radio show news bulletin which I listened too was from Magic. The presenter on this show was an Older woman. Unlike the presenters on Capital, she spoke in a much more cl...