Analysing News Bulletins on existing radio stations

I am going to be listening to three different types of national radio stations, in order to find out whether or not the news stories will be related to the type of radio station that they appear on. For instance (news stories about celebrities spoken about on celebrity based radio stations such as Capital). I am also going to see if there are certain stories that appear on all 3 radio stations, regardless on the type of genre. All three radio stations have been broadcasted on the same day and at the same time. Whilst listening to the news bulletins I was focusing on the facts within the story (to see if the focus of the stories which were repeated were the same), the news values in each story and the running order of the stories (to see if the stories which were repeated on different stations appeared at the same point in the bulletin). In addition to listening to three different national radio stations, I am also going to listen to two local radio station news ...